

This is one of Korean foods I've been wanting to try ever since I read the recipe here. Looks like Korean style spaghetti! The black sauce made of black beans, and it is packed with vegetables too. You can add zucchini, carrot, cabbage, potato, etc. Forget the fact that it is fully loaded with carbs for once and you'll enjoy this this dish as much as I did.

I have been to several supermarket here in Seoul but I haven't find the black bean paste. I've seen the black bean powder but I wanted to try the paste one. I guess I just missed the black bean paste on the supermarket isle because I don't know how to read hangeul. Poor me! Better start learning soon..

Actually you can buy Jjajangmyun in restaurants or easily call a delivery, but the original Jjajangmyun is also using pork and we can't eat that, so when I found this yellow square pack that said "Beef Jjajang", I just grabbed it fast.

Here is my Jjajangmyun crew. Btw, Myun in the Jjajangmyun means noodle, so Jjajang noodles it is. I haven't found the meaning of the word Jjajang yet though. My guess it means black beans. No?
First, I boiled some water to cook my noodles. The noodle is thick, just like Japanese udon. It takes 6 minutes to get them soft. Drain and rinse with hot water.
For the sauce, it said on the package that you can just throw the whole package in the boiling water to get it warm. But I am an old fashioned girl, I like my food to get in touch with my pan. So I pour the sauce onto the pan and added some boiled carrot and beef cubes.

Here it is, my first (instant) Jjajangmyun.
I love it!

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