
DIY : Matching cards

My first memory of matching cards was in my cousins' house about 20+ years ago. Their mother is a German and she brought back some series of matching cards after she came back from visiting her parents in Berlin.

I'd never seen a game like that before and I was so into it! The matching cards were very colorful with beautiful pictures on them.

Since then I never played it again, and this afternoon after so many hide-and-seeks, so many songs that'd been sang, and been giggling and bored, I thought making our own matching cards would be great.

This matching cards made with everything exist in our house. Cardboard was from a package that came yesterday and it took only like 15 minutes to make.

Things you'll need :
- cardboard, about 15cmx40cm
- colorful pencils
- scissor
- small tape
- white paper (ours was used paper)

What you do :
1. Cut the cardboard into 6cmx8cm or whatever size you like. Make 10 rectangles with it.
2. Cut the paper into 1cm smaller than the cardboard. For example, if you are making 6cmx8cm cardboard rectangles, make 5cmx7cm paper rectangles.
3. Draw the paper with your kid's 5 favorite things. You should have 2 same drawings each thing.
4. Tape each paper to the cardboard. Make sure you tape it on the same side of the cardboard, leaving the other side a plain one.
5. You're all done! Here's our 10 matching cards.
We had so much fun playing with these cards. It brings back my childhood memories of gathering with my sissy, cousins, our sleepovers together, plus a good memory practice for Andra.

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